I want to use this body for a thousand things till I cant use it no more.

I want to love what my body can do

I train my body and give it attention.

I let go

and remember my teachers and wise friends.

Dan has been gone almost a year.

I still miss him. 

I emulate him, burn his words and love into my memory.

I choose freedom of action and fearless dedication to up-leveling.

I will not be blocked from my mission. 

The road is cleared by my intention.

To be the best and most excellent I can be.

actor, artist, musician, gardner, lover, shaman, living manifestation of god(dess)

I can enter any door, I can have any gift, I can manifest any opportunity.

All my needs are met, I am cared for by the richness of my character and my rightful place in Nature.

No one may take my power from me, I transmute pain, regret, betrayal, loss, death, and failure, into art, beauty, understanding, and love.

my voice is my magic wand, I speak the words of power and they uphold me.

I use this body, this time on earth, to live fully, uncovering the mysteries, and learning the language of love.

So I may love, no matter what!


Avatarism is a game of up leveling character through embodiment of skills, archetypes, lifestyles, costumes, aphorisms, and idiosyncrasies. Through Avatarism I found divine frivolity, sexiness, confidence, acceptance, fame, and love. I also found that everything is changeable. If the point is to dance, then change is the dance. Changeability with swiftness and grace. I wish you to be and embody the best collection of data and programs that you can collect, manifest, and apply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be good art,

Alexander Polinshy
