Avatarism presents, on the road to happiness….


Avatarism presents, on the road to happiness….


where you could,

Stop….listen….and integrate,

through will, magic,

or meditation, 

and change your operating system.

let all your notions about yourself dissolve, transcend the monologue of the super villain in your mind, stop worrying about possible future outcomes, and take back your power effortlessly.

If you have a super villain voice inside that talks shit to you, then that means you have to acknowledge that there are two people talking here!

Which one do you want to listen to?

Your voice, your speaking voice, the one that comes from your own mouth, that’s the real one. Let that voice come to your aid in times of peril, or rampant inward shit talking.

“You might be crazy if you talk to yourself, but you’re fucking insane if you talk shit to yourself.” - Alexander Polinsky

The game of Avatarism is a way to strengthen character, ferment character, build character. Nothing can be built if the inward bastard has the floor. Unhorse that a-hole with a clear, and loud comunication.

Something like these…

NO! Stop! I have the helm! This life is for living in happiness and harmony! You shut it! Hey buddy, stop with the B.S. This is how it’s gonna go……I am a living manifestation of the godhead in action, meant to create beauty,uphold myself and others in the game. ZIP IT! Get back. Jump back, kiss myself! Hot Pants! This is the prime directive……..


No matter what phrase you use to pattern interrupt yourself, DO IT, START IT, PERFECT IT. 

Life will become easier, more creative, and you will be more accepting of others and their B.S.

All in,

Alexander Polinsky



Avatarism presents, dance your ass off and everyone dances with you.

I want to use this body for a thousand things till I cant use it no more.

I want to love what my body can do

I train my body and give it attention.

I let go

and remember my teachers and wise friends.

Dan has been gone almost a year.

I still miss him. 

I emulate him, burn his words and love into my memory.

I choose freedom of action and fearless dedication to up-leveling.

I will not be blocked from my mission. 

The road is cleared by my intention.

To be the best and most excellent I can be.

actor, artist, musician, gardner, lover, shaman, living manifestation of god(dess)

I can enter any door, I can have any gift, I can manifest any opportunity.

All my needs are met, I am cared for by the richness of my character and my rightful place in Nature.

No one may take my power from me, I transmute pain, regret, betrayal, loss, death, and failure, into art, beauty, understanding, and love.

my voice is my magic wand, I speak the words of power and they uphold me.

I use this body, this time on earth, to live fully, uncovering the mysteries, and learning the language of love.

So I may love, no matter what!


Avatarism is a game of up leveling character through embodiment of skills, archetypes, lifestyles, costumes, aphorisms, and idiosyncrasies. Through Avatarism I found divine frivolity, sexiness, confidence, acceptance, fame, and love. I also found that everything is changeable. If the point is to dance, then change is the dance. Changeability with swiftness and grace. I wish you to be and embody the best collection of data and programs that you can collect, manifest, and apply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be good art,

Alexander Polinshy





Ignitechannel.com has published an awesome article featuring Avatarism!!!! Thanks to writer Wesley Thorincatha for this beautiful piece of work!! 

Coming up this Sunday April 26th 2015

Avatarism: Spiritual Superhero Workshop 

An exciting and transforming three hour interactive workshop that gives participants the keys to powerfully creating and manifesting their highest vision for themselves.Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character and is based on the principles of the ancient Avatara. We learn to embody our chosen traits, skill sets and mannerisms. Uplevel our mastery and build a powerful and healthy magnetic ressonance. Uphold ourself to this new higher vision and uphild others on their adventure as well. Please join us for a fun and fierce playshop/workshop where you will bechallenged, supported and upleveled. 

Info and Tickets here:



The Last Avatar Film Premiere Screening Event

A mysterious and enlightening spiritual adventure film Directed by Jay Weidner (Sacred Mysteries, Gaiam TV), Produced by Sharon Rose (Path of the Preistess, Sacred Mysteries). Starring; Alexander Polinsky (Charles in Charge, Saints and Soldiers), Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God), and Adey(Actor/composer). 

It’s a new genre of film and I coined it! 

“Spiritual Adventure Film” Now I am seeing them everywhere. The last Avatar has encoded in it a very ancient message that is applicable to our modern age. Click on the link below to read the article and see the trailer:


Prophesy, conspiracy, love and Magick! The Last Avatar is a new age fantasy with gorgeous locations and an amazing score. If you liked “The Secret” and “What The Bleep Do We Know” then you will love “The Last Avatar.” Come to Full Circle Venice on Sunday April 26th and experience this unique film. Drop all your expectations and listen to the message. 

“This is a revolution of the spirit”

-Alexander Polinsky as “Kalki” in The Last Avatar

Info and Tickets here:


FB Event Page


The Las Avatar Movie FB Page



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Avatarism presents Krishnamurti on Loving without thought and training the brain to be more accepting of what is:

Is it possible to observe without the thinker? I look at everything with an image, with a symbol, with memory, with knowledge. I look at my friend, at my wife, at my neighbor, at the boss, with the image which thought has built. I look at my wife with the image I have about her, and she looks at me with the image she has about me: the relationship is between these two images. This is a fact,it’s not an invention on my part,it’s a fact! Thought has built these symbols, images, ideas. Can I look, at first, at a tree, at a flower, at the sky, at the cloud, without an image? The image of the tree is the word I have learned which gives a certain name to the tree, tells its species and recalls its beauty. Can I look at that tree, at that cloud, at that flower, without thought, without the image? That’s fairly easy to do, if you have done it. But can I look without the image at a human being with whom I am intimate, whom I consider as wife, husband, child? If I can’t, there is no real relationship: the only relationship is between the images that we both have. So, can I look at life, the clouds, the stars, the trees, the river, the bird on the wing, my wife, my child, my neighbor, this whole earth -can I look at it all without the image? Though you have insulted me, though you have hurt me, though you have said nasty things about me or praised me, can I look at you without the image or the memory of what you have done and said to me? Do see the importance of this, because it’s only a mind that has retained the memories of hurt, of insult, that is ready to forgive, if it is at all inclined that way. A mind that is not storing up its insults, the flatteries that it receives, has nothing to forgive or not forgive; therefore there is no conflict. Thought has created these images, both inwardly and outwardly. Can the images come to an end, and thought look at everything in life afresh? If you can do this, you will find that without your conscious, deliberate effort to change, change has taken place, a radical change. Most people are ambitious; they want to be somebody: authors, painters, businessmen, or politicians. Priests want to become archbishops. Thought has created this society and sees the advantage of becoming powerful, dominant, an important person, which happens only through ambition. Thought has created the image through observation of the man in power and wants the pleasure of owning a big house, having a picture appear in the papers, and all the rest of it. Can one live in this world without ambition, without the image of pleasure which thought has created? Can one function technologically, outwardly, without this poison of ambition? It can be done, but it is possible only when we understand the origin of thinking and understand actually, factually, the unreality of the division between the observer and the observed. Then we can proceed, because then virtue has a totally different meaning. It is not the moral virtue of an ugly, corrupt society, but virtue which is order. Virtue, like humility, is not something to be cultivated by thought. Thought is not virtuous; it is bourgeois, petty, and thought cannot possibly understand either love or virtue or humility. 

- Krishnamurti



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Avatarism Invites you to...

From the very beginning Avatarism was no ordinary transmission of platitudes and attitudes. It is an unusual, unique and transformative game. It’s a game we are already playing and so without very little effort this could be a worldwide circle of upholding. A circle based on a common desire to deliver ourselves from ordinary existence into an extraordinary one. We use our will and creativity to begin to design ourselves away from the degenerate programming that we copied but did not wholly choose . We use the power of our word to focus our magnetism and carry our message of passion, wonder, constant character creation and radical self love out to the world. 
We fulfill our secret promise to our hidden self and celebrate our victories. 
We speak the language of our hearts to the world and we are rewarded for our clarity of vision.

Avatarism invites you to…

Make a break with convention and see yourself…Perfect…whole…
complete…and ready for more.

Accept the role of the action hero in a choose your own adventure universe… See yourself as the center of the mandala…the gift that the universe is giving itself.

It’s you!!!!

The first step is to realize that you have the power! (not some invisible, pretend hope of a power) but A real and tangible spiritual energy that has the ability to charge you up, too move you and to transform you. Try this…..

Take a deep slow breath in…
Say “yes!”
Take another breath…
Say (a little louder) “I’m in!”
Take a third deeper breath 
Smile big!
and say louder..

(Keep breathing and smiling) The feeling you have right now is the entry way into a more complex and richly appointed embodiment. You can conjure peace, passion and confidence You can allow your own spiritual energy to embolden you and uplevel you. You have the power to do things you’ve never done before. All it takes is that first step. What’s the first step? Tell us who you are creating yourself to be and we will uphold you! Open your eyes. Be a player. Smile at strangers. Play the game. Friends are everywhere. Onward and upwards!
Forever endeavor! Believe in it! Be livin’ it

Alexander Polinsky
Founder of Avatarism



#Avatarism at #Lucidity Festival, Epic interview, and the premiere of The Last Avatar film!!!!



Hello friends and my ever growing Avatarism family!!!

It has been an amazing month for me and Avatarism. So much going on and so many upleveling events to share!!! You really can’t fake a phenomenon and this is just the start….I delivered two #Avatarism workshops this weekend at the #Lucidity Festival, Kindred Quest 2015. The workshops were featured as “Altar Yourself: A guide to Avatarism,” and “Avatarism and Radical Self Love.”  The location was perfect…magickal…amazingly beautiful…in an ancient oak forest in Santa Barbara. Featuring music from The Polish Ambassador on the main stage, Magick For The Masses on the Nomad’s Nook Stage, Wild Light, Pumpkin, and the amazing Hart Sawyer to name a few. Thanks to Megan Stone of the Goddess Grove who booked me for the Temple Dome, you rock Megan!

The workshops:

I’m used to doing stage talks at festivals mostly but it was nice to get into an intimate space to craft and play with participants in a workshop setting. This is more impact-full than just listening to speeches on Avatarism. Speeches are super-fun energetic exchanges and nothing is quite like delivering humor, passion and transformational words to a large crowd, but getting a handful of people to do something creatively significant, make some hard/fun choices and finally have some real communication about the things that matter is unbelievably good for the soul and good for the group. It creates a resonant environment that strengthens overall the ritual of togetherness we are creating. It felt like (and I gathered from the response), that my workshops were well received. I was definitely happy and inspired by the work people were willing to do.
