Avatarism presents: “Radical Unconditional Love”, by Thom Thumb


Avatarism presents: “Radical Unconditional Love”, by Thom Thumb

A Challenge of Radical Unconditional Love

by Thom Thumb on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 2:01am ·

One of my favorite tricks when playing hide and seek is to pick a spot where I can see the seeker.  Then as soon as they go off to look I hide in the place that they counted.  Humans rarely look closely in places they have already labeled in their minds as fruitless.  In this way I think we have hidden our most precious treasure.  We hid our road to nirvana in the last place we would think to look for it… Right under our noses!  It is hidden within most songs.  It is the basis for every major spiritual lineage and creative exploration.  

Why then is this idea called love so slippery? It certainly has to do with our words.. Tricksy things are words.  Have we perhaps diluted the potency and the meaning of the word love with our overuse of it?  I am sure many of us take for granted that the definition we have latched onto of love is complete, (at least as far as ourselves are concerned).  As we know, whenever you think something is satisfactory or complete you stagnate your growth in that realm. But truly it has now come to mean a plethora of different things to a great many people.  The definitions I have found in dictionaries use words such as affection, devotion, attachment, admiration and attraction.  This is what Wikipedia has to say about it; “"Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love, to the platonic love that defines friendship, or to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love, or to a concept of love that encompasses all of those feelings. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states.”

My spiritual cocoon is bursting and it all started with my ambitious redefinition of love.  A definition that ties together all of love’s aspects and forges a way of life.  For this purpose I will call it “radical unconditional love”.  I have a natural aversion to definitions of love as something selfless.  Without the self to be conscious of it existing it becomes a mute point. Yet I believe our definition of self can be as limitless as our definition of love.  Limitlessness is one of the main qualities of my definition of love.  I have yet to see an end to the amount of love that can be generated with a willingness to do so. As far as I can tell we draw from an infinite well.  Radical unconditional love begins with radical acceptance and I believe we have been intuitively evolving in that direction as a species.  There was a time when slavery was a widely embraced way of life. We have  mostly grown out of that time.  Yet still we value some living things over others and value living things over “inanimate things”.  We put limits on who or what we are capable of loving, choosing to define some entities as being on another team.  But everything in existence is on the same team or more precisely, we are the same team.  So without further ado, here is my current iteration of my definition of love:

“A boundless and ever-growing need to become aware of blissful oneness through creative interaction.”

Allow me to elaborate:  Most religion’s god(s) have this similar aspect: ~Creator(s)~  Creation in perhaps every culture is revered as divine or sacred.  Our amazing abilities to create both physically and intellectually are all powered by an act of love and as far as I can tell, what these acts of love can create is limitless.   When a person loves another person they are drawn to interact with them because of a deep need to become one either through physical union or through enthusiastic co-creation.  Sometimes all of the above.  The same thing goes for loving an object or an idea.  The great Carl Jung once said,

“The creation of something new comes not from the intellect but from the play instinct acting from inner necessity.  The creative mind plays with the object it loves.” 

The exploration of another entity’s perspective is a remembering of that aspect of your greater cosmic self!  We are an infinite entity viewing itself expanding from one perspective node in the sphere.  Perhaps enlightenment is being able to witness it all unfolding from an integrated and unified vision of all the perspectives simultaneously.  Likely it is more of a grand, blissful feeling awareness than a viewing.

  I believe the key to grokking radical unconditional love lies in the question; “Is there a motive?”  If you are interacting with something, be it person, plant, or inanimate object for a reason, than you have strayed away from the highest vibration of radical unconditional love.  What does a baby do, for instance, when it comes in contact with something beautiful it has yet to interact with yet such as a shiny marble on the floor?  It smells it, it shakes it, it rubs it on it’s face, it tastes it.  It is a fascinating exploration of interaction birthed from inner necessity.  Most “adults” only engage in this kind of limitless visceral exploration during private sexual interactions and sometimes not even then. The baby would behave the same way if the marble were a piece of cat poop.

True love lies within this place of unconditional fascination.  It is the irresistible gravity that pulls us to connect and become one with all that is. Play for it’s own sake is the language of love.  This existence is an excruciatingly beautiful playground.   We are infinitely more vast than our beliefs and dispositions.  We are children of a diving formula.  Matrix comes from the latin Mater, which means mother.  Pattern comes from the Latin Pater, which means Father.  Waves of sound; Waves of light; Pulses of universal chi… These are our ancestors.  We are a magnum opus of energy’s eternal and permeating diversity. When we set limits on our expressions of love and methods of exploration, let us take care to do so like we are consciously playing a game.  A game where all roads lead to victory despite our best efforts.  Let us do this with exuberant curiosity and the conscious compassion of unattachment to the designs of any specific path. Our treasure map to enlightenment is hidden within all of us and all we have to do is listen to our loving essence.  Our judgements, our labels, our motives are all camouflage… The built in challenges that spice up existence and make it a story.  The challenges that make samadhi a prize worth winning. I believe that this state of unconditional, genuine wonder love can be cultivated…

And so I issue forth these 3 challenges to all my other perspectives ~

I challenge you to be silent for one day, only witnessing, listening, breathing and turning up the knobs on how much you love everything you see and experience!

I challenge you to pick something you find distasteful, whether it be a food, person or place and engage it with full intention to take it in without labels or judgements and love it more than you did when you began!

The final thing I ask refrains from being an equal appreciation of everything… I challenge you to boldly and radically embrace the ecstatic  bliss of everything you see today as if you were “falling in love” with your other self.

If you have read this far than thank you family!  I am truly blessed to have you and have gargantuan gratitude for your curiosity and care of my words.  I will leave you with a gift of this poem, which was inspired by these thoughts…

Falling in love?  Haha, This is a remembering!

A blissful expansion, an ego dismembering,

An acceptance of self, containing all forms of wealth,

A flow only found in surrendering…

And surrender I will to meadow and hill,

To sun, cloud, moon, rain and snow,

Surrender I will To park and landfill,To lover, to friend, and to foe,

I’ll surrender to pleasure,I’ll surrender to pain,

I’ll surrender to things most find trite or mundane,

I’ll surrender to breath and laughter and song,

I’ll surrender to whatever dance comes along,

I’ll surrender to objects and small silly games,

I’ll surrender to babbling things without names,

I’ll surrender to shaking out traumas of old,

Till all limits dissolve and begin to lose hold,

I’ll sink into all like a big wave coming home,

To the ocean born of that most glorious ohm,

What once were boundaries, now redefine as connections,

Till eternity’s voice rings out to my far off sections,

Till this “falling in love” we typically have for just one,

Explodes from within like a large dying sun,

And rains down upon every speck in existence,

A fire that blends time and obliterates distance!


Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Photo courtesy of the transcendent Amanda Sage



Avatarism Presents.... Psychic Gnome Society

Say hello to the Psychic Gnome Society. If you have ever wondered what it is like inside the mind of god, here is a clue. Watch and enjoy.

“Original, mind blowing, and vastly unique, their work is part of an ongoing experiment to bring never before seen graphics and interfaces into reality through the medium of light and sound.”

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents, a survival poem.

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Avatarism presents, a survival poem.

When you get passed up.
Or overlooked.
When you can’t drive another inch without crying.
When the intense-city is eating away at your humanity.
When the slightest little look from a stranger makes you want to rip them apart.
Do something.
before it eats you, dude.
Burn something.
Go into the forrest and do not come out till she speaks.
Sing till you cry fat tears of joy.
Burn something.
walk into your magical talking crystal castle and scream to your ancestors, and the ones who will come after.
Burn something, 
break yourself out, its the only magic we have.
Dance it. Burn it. Out-create it. 
Burn it down.
and then, from nothing, build it up again,
just how you like it.
Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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AVATARISM PRESENTS: Be the Captain of your inner tides.

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AVATARISM PRESENTS: Be the Captain of your inner tides.

I am on this journey of up leveling on the real world platform. I am here for real, feeling my feelings, and taking the hits and lessons, as they come. Some lessons hit harder than a bull elephant on PCP. If you are sober and can really monitor your inner tides, your wildly fluctuating moods, your adrenaline, your dopamine, your body/drug reactions, you are lucky! You are alive and aware, you might also be in a kind of hell. 

Nothing hurts and heals like self awareness. Every snarky joke, every little snide comment, every time you compare yourself to another or deem it appropriate to have any kind of violent reaction on the entire spectrum of tantrums to murder. You kill your ability to love yourself. You dirty your emotional view screen with the crap of a lifetime. Many of my fellow monkey descendents are living in a media induced state of enragement of some kind or another. We/they may think that they are being themselves, but here’s a shock. 

Everything we do is a ritualized performance to show the universe who we really are. Make no mistake, we choose every action and reaction and live with the result. There is no mommy and daddy to follow us around and keep us honest. We have ourselves, possibly a great friend, and maybe a dog, cat, or lizard to keep us in check. Every other creature we encounter is a mirror in some sense. 

Look deep into the situation that causes you pain and disharmony. What can be said about it? Is it chronic? Does it hurt? Does it get me what I want? Does it support loving myself?  Does it help my ultimate goal of furthering my great work? If not, purge the behavior, in favor of another way to be.

My dog is 10 years old and learns new tricks all the time. I have to be patient and sweet with him. So to I have to be patient and sweet to myself. Like my epic friend and art partner Chris Adams says "if punishment worked, the Police would actually be succeeding at their job" Punishment cripples most souls and condemns them to “BAD PERSONHOOD”

I challenge you to begin to monitor yourself minute to minute for lapses in harmony, balance, humor, and patience. Do good things for yourself and feed your body good food and sweet entertainments that teach you more about the best life has to offer. Make the changes in yourself that you wish everyone else would do. 

Be good art, be excellent, be a player, play a good game, and the reward of this magick will be health, happiness, good relations with persons, animals, and lands. Nothing is more important than your brilliant adventure towards the mission of the great work of your life.

Live it up lover,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents: “Black Magic Troll”


Avatarism presents: “Black Magic Troll”

Trolls abound in the world of the inter webs. A troll is a person, who sits at their little screen, and makes comments that disturb, bother, inflict, cause harm, and generally vent the ugly mood of the writer to the world. I got one such comment today on my youtube channel. I was so taken aback by the anonymous trolling, that I looked into this person’s comment history and found that he was spreading hate speech all over the site. Attacking people who go to the Rainbow Gathering festival. His comments ranged from rude, to outright violent even so far as wishing death on the people of this group.

The Rainbow is a peaceful nomadic event that occupies a forrest on July 4th and prays for world peace. I have been to this event and call it one of my home away from homes. I was deeply angered by this person’s attacks and decided to report him to youtube as a source of hate speech. I could have left it at that, but I went on to condemn him personally, and use my creative powers of drama to try to destroy part of his joy as well. I saw on his site that, as he was handing out hate, he was also very into The Doors and the Grateful Dead. A music lover. I have invoked the power of Jim Morrison many times in my personal magic and I count Jim as one of my guides.

I told this Troll in a private message that I was related to Jim Morrison, and Jim would have hated him and all he stood for. I asked this Troll to remember how much Jim would have hated him every time he hears the Doors music. I crossed the line. The power of music is sacred to me and I am ashamed to admit that I tried to use this power against him. I felt a surge of hate and vengeance. Then I felt like an asshole.

I tried to sleep, but my head and back became very hot and I felt like I was sleeping by an oven. I kept having hot flashes like this until I came to the conclusion that I had made a grave mistake. Using my powers for black magic is never ok. I felt justified in defending my Rainbow family that has given me so much, but nothing is worth the pain and suffering of another being. I went to my computer hours later and messaged the Troll again. This time I told him I was a liar, I was not related to Jim. I asked his forgiveness and I pleaded with him to give up the campaign of hate. I asked him to inquire of his ancestors for guidance, and I asked him to find his way back home to happiness, health, and healing. 

Black magic is any word, deed, action, or intonation that creates fear, pain, or dread. Black magic works, it works well. But if you are a worker of will, and practice black magic, that same magic will be visited upon your head tenfold. The classic picture of a witch as a haggard, ugly, hag is an accurate picture of what happens when you make your life around black magic. 

Since I am guilty of black magic, I will ask that you learn a lesson from me, do not practice your will in dark circles. As with any good circle, it’ll come right around and bite you in the ass. 

Your word is your wand. Wield your power with love, respect, and forethought. Or suffer at your own hand. 

- Alexander Polinshy

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents: “Be a meme-generator”


Avatarism presents: “Be a meme-generator”

Last night in my bedroom in Hollywood, I heard a bird going through his mating call, in what seemed like an endless, non repeating, stream of car alarm chirps and siren sounds that reflect the dense urban area I live in. Birds are impacted by the sound-stream around them. The bird has no choice but to copy. It has been observed that monkeys, crows, and all sorts of other sentient life can pass memes to one another. This means, from humans on down, culture is behavior, and behavior is modifiable.

Our “always on and recording,” brain may not distinguish the difference between what we say and what we hear. It copies and files both. So we may understand that the subconscious must collect and assign importance to the more intense, or more oft repeated phrases or happenings,  whatever they might be. 

Be a mind-full of possibilities for the highest good. Fill your mind with self created memes of good will toward self.

“Choose wisely, for the memes we create…. reverberate.”-iRev

Just think of how many ideas and suggestions are thrown at you from people places and things, billboards, internet radio and tv memes, add to that, the ones we repeat in our heads…..we need a little more conscious self meme-ing to balance it all  out.

The word, is the wand.

To meme yourself can be powerful, transformational, linguistic magic. Focus on your intention, solidify that intention with dramatic ritual, meme the F*ck outta yourself, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

“Intention can look like action, but look closer. Intention has no action, only tension.”

-Alexander Polinsky 2012

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avataism presents: “Passion and Sacrifice”


Avataism presents: “Passion and Sacrifice”

This is a blog about Avatarism and what it may be doing to you even now!

Avatarism may be a game that you already play. Even if it’s only once a year at Halloween; you dress up as your fantasy character, and feel the energy shift in you. You may put on your grandmothers shawl and suddenly feel her warm and inviting arms around you, or you may wear superman underwear, or have tattoos, maybe you just dance like Michael Jackson in the dark, by yourself.

Embodying another type of person can give you some of their powers. I wear a clown nose at really inappropriate times and it actually makes my life better. It saved me from 2 traffic tickets!!!!! The universe appreciates a little play in the flow, so play becomes wholly important, when you know.

 When I embody another character or archetype, i can be more spontaneous, I suddenly have a unique perspective on the mundane, I am living in a slightly sharper reality. Who doesn’t want to be a pirate, or a Kitten, or a porn star, or a mail man. I will not judge you, I will uphold you. That’s the game. Tell me who you want to be and I’ll uphold you.  

Can I get an, “I’m In!?”

Because, shit! What’s life about if you can’t feel really awesome about yourself some/most of the time?  You may be missing out on 2 of the most fun, free, drugs in the universe. CONFIDENCE and JOY!

Avatarism is the meta-programming tool that I used to chang my life, again and again and always for good. From being a movie actor, to doing army ranger camp, enthogenic roller coaster tests,  fire dancing, skydiving, and singing the national anthem….in H.S. homeroom…..in a dress, . I am unleveled!!!

Everything is a trip, and the trip, is the point. -iRev. Alexander Polinsky

So as I was saying, every passion has its corresponding sacrifice. What you spend your time on, you begin to specialize in, and be shaped by. Habitual happenings in your day are either assisting you in your goal achieving, or robbing you of your life-force. 

 You may wonder why you need three starbucks just to function, and a beer/wine/sleeping pill to sleep. Some of us are numbing our feelings out and then amping ourselves up for more numbing. Amp, numb,amp,numb,amp, numb…..on and on……and all to keep up the illusion that it’s all working. That we are happy. That this stuff is the best that life has to offer. 

Bordom is a choice, even if you are in a small cell with no windows. Create a program of focused, positive ideas. Breathe, slow down the subconscious idea cascade.


*“I love you, I am you” -Dr. Ahee 

*“I am a living god(dess) conscious of my power, able to transmute, heal, and love. -iRev. 

"My entire day is about the magic of possibility” -iRev. Alexander Polinsky.

“Yoiks” -Woody allen

Interrupt your pattern, and create a whole new moment in the next moment, if you want. Free of the ideas, constraints of the last.

Make dead sure, you are doing something that makes you feel alive, every day. Put on a clean shirt, sweep up the glass, pay the bills, and then embody your highest vision you have for yourself today. 

I watered my garden and saw a Praying Mantis, picked a ripe apple off my tree, and ate it for breakfast in the sunshine. It’s simple folks. Make your view screen microscopic to see the rainbow in a drop of water. Look deeper. 

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Photo courtesy of the lovely Amanda Sage!


Avatarism presents, The daily word. “Sparklepants”


Avatarism presents, The daily word. “Sparklepants”

The awesome Ms. Em has set the daily word at “Sparklepants” This is to be used as a moniker for one’s loves, friends, and co-inspirators. 

A few suggestions……

Generic greeting   “Hey sparklepants!”

At the office          "Great presentation Mr. Sparklepants"

For a cop               “ Step out of the car, Sparklepants”

in the church         “ blessed are the sparklepants”

at the factory         “ it’ll be ready when sparklepants here, get around to it.”

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:


#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

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Avatarism presents, “Delusion vs. Avatars”


Avatarism presents, “Delusion vs. Avatars”

Delusion is when you think you can fly, and hurl yourself off a cliff to your death.

Avatars choose to embody a skill and hone it to mastery, then hang glide off the cliff.

Delusion is where you see and hear things and those things scare the crap out of you.

Avatars mock up character of their own making and speak and act consciously as those beings.

Delusional lives in a fantasy world beyond their control.

Avatars create their character, thereby changing their relationship to their world, thereby changing the world.

It’s a good game.

Up leveling and enlightenment.

God is waiting for you to do something cool. 

So do it.

I’m breaking into new territory.

Love and all.

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:


#Transformational #superheroWorkshop

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Avatarism presents, “Death by Sparkles”


Avatarism presents, “Death by Sparkles”

Greetings all!

Adey Bell, an Avatarism corrospondent in Southern Oregon writes a brief piece on what can happen if you are, become, or plan to embody a sparkly avatar. “Sparkly” refers to the quality of brilliance and magnetism that comes from a person who is living within their ideal scene for themselves. Happy, productive, self directed, radically self reliant, or just damn fulfilled in their life.

This can create the situation where others see you as the ideal for themselves, either as a mate, or as a role model and that can land you fans, lovers, and even enemies.

The culture of personal transformation that is contained in the game of Avatarism is the doorway for some of us. Others would rather hold tight to what they have, and become rigid. They risk breakdown due to the degrading effect of time and the erosion of all things.

“Transformation is cultivation”-iRev

Best to have a culture of transformation in place to deal with the inevetable life changes ahead. We have a huge job! The people on earth need to wake up to our connection to the earth, the cosmos, and each other. Some just aren’t ready.  Let’s be kind to the mundanes and encourage them. But recognize the dangers! If they spit venom in your face, “shields up,” and get out of there. We have a mission to save the world! No time for evil D-bags! 



Death by Sparkles

 By Adey Bell

Being Brilliant and Integrity can mean:

-people you love may give you shit because you’re happy
-you may loose “friends” because you’re living your dream
-you may constantly confront people everywhere you go because you shine
-you can be ignored, embraced, then destroyed
-you may be ridiculed, written off or laughed at because you believe all the world is love and you live that truth. In the face of what seems to be opposite, you still have the courage to be love
-you may feel utterly alone when those who have lost their faith try to persuade you that yours is in vein.
-you may blast someone who’s tone level isn’t ready to receive yours, and in all good intentions, obliterate their ego, resulting in an awkward interaction where you don’t “see” each other even tho you’re standing in front of them….

it takes courage to be in authentic truth with what is. it takes self mastery to know what your truth is in any given moment, it takes maturity to take inventory of the situation and act accordingly

it’s not pretty
but it’s beautiful


Be well, be beautiful, be fearless, be free,

Be love.

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents, “Awesomosis”


Avatarism presents, “Awesomosis”

Avatarism presents,

“AWESOMOSIS” def. The process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of awesome ideas, awesome knowledge, etc.

A process by which molecules of awesome tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated awesome into a more concentrated awesome, thus equalizing the concentrations of awesome on each side of the membrane.

You don’t have to try hard. The things you want may be easier than you think. The psychic resistance you are creating in the form of procrastination, fear, and doubt may be the only obstacle you face in reality.

What if you only needed to be in the presence of awesome to become more awesome. What if the first step to stardom is to meet a star and decide that he is a regular person just like you, or a billion dollar CEO came from your neighborhood, it all becomes easier when your psychic barriers are pulled down.

You have a super power to magnetize any idea, person, or group.

Say out loud that you can win, say out loud that you are the chosen one, say out loud that you are never truly alone, and you have cast the first spell towards your victory.

Meta-programming is real magic, you can hack your own mind, and reprogram your own drives for good. 

You must be diligent in your programming, old and inferior programs are deeply imbedded in your system. You might have to take a vacation to a more understanding and nurturing environment and seek out like minded Avatars or people.

Find the ones that you admire for their great work and attitude and use “awesomosis” to become a bit more like them. I authorize you to steal the light from the sparkly ones. They have enough, and the real sparkly ones want to share.

(Awesomosis was coined by Adey Bell Garner while dining on bison steak and a glass of Fester Chardonnay with the iRev. in Hollywoodland Ca.)       www.Adeyeightmusic.com

In gratitude and service,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

Like Avatarism on Fscebook:


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Avatarism presents: Warrior With a capitol W!

I have long been a supporter of the meme of the creative warrior. Having supported myself basically since I was 11 years old on my art, I know the power of focus, confidence, perseverance, and moxie. The idea of transferring the warrior arts into creative and constructive areas, rather than it being just the domain of the destructive, defensive, offensive is not a new idea. We all could use a little power in our breakfast cereal. It doesn’t me you have to get mean and surly about you watercolor practice kids. I’m just saying that your artist Avatar can and should be one that possesses a surge-ability, the strength to push into areas that may be threatening to your mundane self. Self promotion, self confidence, and the ability to move through blocks as if they were an enemy phalanx that poses no real obstacle. A wimpy phalanx to be pushed aside with the power of an expert warrior. If the obstacle becomes daunting, you put on your war face, and jump right into the fray. Every warrior needs rest, solitude, healing, and care. So don’t neglect your wounds and your respite, but do look upon yourself as a warrior for your own cause. You are the hero in this epic story, not Eeyore from Whinny The Poo, or a sad sack, you are the I AM presence that has always been and will always be. You are that which shines, sparkles, and lives for the fight. This is it, and it’s perfect. 

Here is a bit of genius from Jonathan Zap about changing the warrior archetype into warrior with a capitol W! Enjoy….


I recently recorded a podcast of The Way of the Warrior  <<<<click the link to hear it/ download it. I’ve found this life stance to hold up even during the darkest moments.  Here’s the first couple of paragraphs:


Why is being a Warrior important, and what is meant by being a Warrior anyway?

Language is so often a barrier to understanding. The word, “ Warrior ,” for example, presents many problems. Sometimes the best available word has a shadow, a dark area of connotations that may be alien or even contradictory to what we are trying to convey. If we want to convey the possibility of a more effective focus in our lives, the word “discipline” comes to mind. But “discipline” can also mean to punish, and our Puritan heritage gives the word an unwanted sadistic resonance. In Sanskrit the nearest word to discipline is “tapas,” which has a range of meanings such as the use of austerities to generate and conserve transformational inner heat.  There’s no sadistic or punitive connotation to “tapas,” but it is not a word readily available to most people. “Warrior” is a word that is readily available, but, like the word “discipline,” it carries much unwanted baggage. The word “war” is in “Warrior,” and the connotations of aggression and violence are obvious. But “Warrio r” is also a word that in certain circles has been undergoing major redefinition and rediscovery.  Essentially, the archetype of the Warrior is being salvaged from millennia of patriarchal associations.  The best definition I have been able to come up with for “Warrior” that reflects its archetypal  meaning is as follows: A Warrior is someone who strives to live alertly,  intelligently, attuned to the moment in order to serve life affirming  transpersonal values.

Warrior with a capital “W,” is one who efficiently serves life affirming transpersonal aims. A warrior with a lower case “w” could be a mercenary, one who serves selfish aims, or one who serves transpersonal but anti-life aims — a Nazi SS officer, for example. Someone could have rippling muscles, be a potent martial artist, highly efficient, focused and determined and yet only be a warrior. Someone else could be confined to a wheel chair and yet be an exemplary Warrior.

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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AVATARISM PRESENTS…..  “Your Sparkle Faucet’s At A Dribble Baby”


AVATARISM PRESENTS….. “Your Sparkle Faucet’s At A Dribble Baby”


When I was a kid actor on Charles in Charge I came into contact with upwards of 600 people per week. That was how many people came to see the weekly taping. After five years and a hundred or so shows I did notice a lot about the people in the audience. There were ones I remembered and ones I forgot. 

There were ones who looked like they were half asleep but still moving around, there were zombies, followers, nervous ones, the bitter, the sickly, the sweet, the old souls, the ecstatic, fanatic, star struck, and lost. So many different archetypes, and they all filed into our studio and sat there for about five hours each Thursday. 

Once in a while I would meet someone who appeared to be a complete stranger and they’d say “Hey Alex!” I would look kinda stumped and they would get a bit sore and say “Don’t you know who I am?” “Shit,"I’d say in my most honest 11 year old way "I meet so many people!” Which wouldn’t do any good for that person’s ego because it’s just confirming what they secretly know is true…..Their sparkle faucet is at a dribble. 

That means that there was nothing at the time of our meeting that sparked my interest, made them stand out, or gave me cause to think of them as significant. As I write this I feel a bit guilty because I guess I’d like to be the kind of human who finds things in people that I can enjoy, admire, and remember. But alas, this is not so. There are the mundanes, the hopeless, the Abercrombie/Old Navy/ Gap wearing masses who think they can buy originality from a chain store, or repeat lines from the TV or People Magazine, and be a real person. 

If you watch Entertainment Tonight, or Extra, or E! TV, you are losing your mind. Minute by minute, you are giving your brain cells to Proctor and Gamble, Lever Bros, and Nabisco. You are becoming one with the products and celebrities that you worship. The people who actually create the culture you consume are more real than you, and thats just what they want. Stare into my eyes and suck, suck, suck the nipple of mass media. You will soon be as forgettable as a dust bunny in a dust storm. Laughable, and sad, but soooo true. 

Avatarism may be just another word to you, but I caution you to listen to the wisdom behind the ism.

CONSCIOUSLY CREATE YOUR CHARACTER ON THE REAL WORLD PLATFORM. This means, up level yourself from the state of mundane and homogenous, to a creature that gains skill sets chosen by you, and don’t stop practicing till you have mastery of those skills. 

UPHOLD OTHER AVATARS AND THEY WILL UPHOLD YOU. You are not, have never been, and can not exist alone. What we make fun of, hate, and try to belittle, we cannot have. So if you are annoyed by someone making a push to learn, transform, or up level, You will be left out of the game baby. Provide support, love, and acceptance to your fellow mundanes in flux, and you build a support system for present and future awesome. 

TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE AND THEY WILL REMIND YOU WHEN YOU BECOME LOST OR DISPASSIONATE. There is no use giving pity, it serves no purpose other than to soothe a wound. Pity does not heal. Giving a friend a little “poor baby” is a great salve and is a good deed. But in the next moment, a more worthwhile communication is to remind that person who they really are, away from the upset and the hurt. The way to do that is to actually inquire after who that person is creating themselves as. Who do they want to be in their highest version of themselves, what is their Avatar of Power.

Living god

God of love

Circus clown


Sex kitten

Tiger mama

Prince of air

Medicine shaman, healer, or hero. 

If people don’t remember you, it’s your fault. 

I say this unto you, turn up the faucet, be love, be sparkling, look deep into people’s eyes, notice them and listen for the cue to help them achieve their highest vision for themselves. If you judge them not worthy, scary, evil, or vampires, go find someone else to impact, and do it. Nothing happens in this world without all of us. We are one. The rules apply to all. Use your time wisely and for good, use humor love and your inherent appeal, be it sexy, intellectual, quixotic, or any gift the universe gave you.

Just use it. 

Turn up the sparkle faucet and let the world bathe in your glory.

In loving memory,

iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents: Show up as your character and everyone will play along.

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Avatarism presents: Show up as your character and everyone will play along.

Who are you being right now, tomorrow, yesterday? How will that Avatar effect your ability to get what you want on the real world platform. This life is a game! Are you a NPC (Non player character) controlled by the matrix, or are you a PC (player character) in search of philosophic gold and treasures of the mind.

No one expects to meet a superhero. Most people are sarcastic, jealous, needy, and sad. They just mask it with loads of rich toxic food, drugs, and inferior entertainment. They literally kill their energetic field with crap of every kind all the while thinking that they are actually living. All that gets pulled into sharp and uncomfortable focus when said mundane meets a person that is embodying an Avatar of some magnetism and power.  What if YOU were that person of great magnetism and undeniable sparkle also known as SUPERHERO that someone got to meet. They weren’t expecting it, they don’t meet people like you often, you become one of their FAVORITE PEOPLE! This is no trick, its actual, factual, and useful. I’d venture to say it’s the most useful dramatic ritual you can use day to day, day or night, 24/7, 365. 

There is a myth that the highest accomplishment of your character in action is to “JUST BE YOURSELF.” But when you think about it, what are you, but a collection of ideas and sound bites copied from your parents, friends, tv shows, movies, books, and games, your victories, and misfortunes. This “JUST BE YOURSELF,” advice is usually given to poor slobs who are trying to meet or score with someone that are attracted to. I am not saying lie, I’m saying you are perfect, whole, and ready for more. I am authorizing you to not spend another day locked in a sad sack, mundane, self deprecating state of non awesome. 

Lets explore how a little Avatarism can help get you why you want. Mock up the Avatar of the TALENT AGENT. You are sure of yourself, you dress well, you are in possession of a stable of great and talented artists who you can speak about with assuredness and passion. You would walk into a room….scratch that, you take the room with a look, a well placed pause, and then tell them that you have the answer to their prayers, and they believe you. 

Fake it till you make it should be written at the top of every door in your house till you GET IT IN! Every famous, infamous, genius, successful, and otherwise awesome person in the world has done this. They walked onto the bridge when they were scared of falling, jumped out the plane when they thought they would sh*t their pants, and came out on stage in front of the crowd when they thought that maybe they would cry, or run, or freeze. 

I am the iRev. Alexander PolinSKY, I am Captain Sky of the Rogue Mechanica, I am Jim Henson, Jim Morrison, Kermit the Frog, Crowley, Parsons, Hubbard, and Dali. I am that which I was not before. I am that which I was afraid to embody. I am he who dwells in the realm of possibility, transformation, and enthusiasm. 

I am that. You are too.

You are Avatar.

Love always,

Alexander PolinSKY

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism Presents: Mission Re-Up And Spot Check


Avatarism Presents: Mission Re-Up And Spot Check









The usefulness of the mission is that we get to aspire to greatness on our own terms. 

We are able to create our own path, to our own sort of glory, defined by the the individual.

We can pray on our feet to CPU (the creative power of the universe).

CPU does not need us to kneel in sublimation, or sacrifice ourselves, we are one!!!!

“Holy” may be described as spiritually important.

Play is holy. Embodying archetypes is holy. Mocking up a skill set and mastering the steps to those skills is holy. Upholding avatars is holy. Creating your highest vision for yourself is holy.

Failure is holy, only if you awaken to the lesson of failure, and it’s possibilities for up leveling.

The continuing mission is to improve ourselves, out of the recognized norms of society. To self create our Avatar of immense magnetism and excellent character. To develop the sort of personality that can stride across the bridge as spirit, a truly powerful and enlivened being, a being of light. 

To truly occupy ourselves and the land on which we live with a spirit that inspires trust, love, and excitement.

We are reprogramming the world with our magic. 


To all who wish for a better life. 

to all who suffer in silence and loneliness.

to all who feel like there is more than this.

To all who have an idea that deep inside, there is something great within us.

We are the magic makers, the dreamers of dreams, the fire spinners and walkers, the organizers and creators of the new aeon. We have will, we have imagination, and we have a brain that loves reconfiguration.


All together now……


Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents, Personal history and face reading


Avatarism presents, Personal history and face reading

We are all alone in our skin. However much we try to be known by others, they can never truly know us.


I don’t have any memories of my parents being together except one. I remember being in my house and getting the idea to have my parents surprise each other. First I went to my dad and told him in my four year old way, that he should sneak up and scare mommy, then I told mom to scare Dad. My Mom was making dinner and Dad responded to my idea with a quip “what are you trying to pull here Alexander.” Immediately I felt defeat, it may be the first time I had ever felt it. Possibly I felt their relationship breaking up, I wanted them to reconnect, and that is the only thing I could think of to get them back in harmony. In any case that’s the only memory I have of my parents together as a family. That’s the day I woke up.

Waking up is hard to do

I decided that I didn’t know what anyone was gong to do (least of all my parents whom I knew better then anyone), and so I better get really good at observing people because their actions seemed to affect my life, big time. I watched faces and eyes, I could see when people were hiding things. Not little things like white lies, but big things, life issues, deep problems and regret.  I began to see these broadcast across peoples faces even when they think they are being subtle or stoic. It has been a strange and confronting 33 years from there. Being so observant of faces. I am flooded with data at places like the supermarket, a concert, or festival. If I am passive, and not judging, I can watch people for hours and not get bored. Sometimes though, in heavily populated areas it can be too much. 

If I find someone who has really good control over their facial expressions and I can’t tell what they are thinking, it has a calming effect on me for a while. “Great!” I think, here is someone like me who can morph and alter feelings according to the situation, a social chameleon, an emotional adept, or enlightened creature. But this can be a bad thing. People who hide their emotions facially can be trouble. In my case, I can choose to give you no information with my face in order to not burden you with my troubles, or to seem calm when I am freaking out. This skill is important for actors and healers especially.  But for others, its a protection mechanism that is used unconsciously. They may have been through some incredibly horrible things and have lost their contact with their emotions because it’s to painful to go in and experience much of anything anymore. There may be counter intentions that they are hiding or emotions that would give them away if they did emote, so they cover the emotion/lie/or fear and do not give the information that usually would be appropriate.

Why do I write this now, honestly I don’t know. Maybe I want to know if I am alone in this art of facial reading.

Loving you,

Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism presents, Living gods, superheroes, and dramatic ritual for up-leveling.


Avatarism presents, Living gods, superheroes, and dramatic ritual for up-leveling.

There is a way to up-level your character in the real world platform. You can change your self image from mundane, to living godhood if you wish. You don’t even have to leave your living room. The way to impress your nervous system and change your brain for good is so simple, a kid can do it. In fact, I did it as a kid, and it helped me become a superhero for millions of kids when I voiced characters on Teen Titans, Legion of Superheroes, Batman, Transformers, Ben Ten, Starship Troopers, and more. I am living proof that Avatarism works. 

Before I discovered my power to up-level my character and began to implement my ideas about programming myself, I was a mess. Diagnosed as OCD, borderline turrets’s syndrome, chronically depressed, had repetitive ticks of the hand and face, horrible reoccurring dreams, suicidal thoughts, and taking anti depressants.

Out of desperation and deep curiosity, I began researching meditation, mantra, world religions, brainwashing, hypnosis, bio feedback, meta-programming, brain changing drugs, dramatic ritual, the Occult, brain science, and NLP. I found that all the most effective techniques were using dramatic rituals or games to imprint the person with a new set of beliefs about himself. I was astonished that more people weren’t using these techniques to meta-program themselves, but it wasn’t till my training as an actor intersected with all this knowledge, that I truly found my recipe for up-leveling.

I was a child actor since the age of 4. I starred in films and TV shows, most note-ably  the comedy “Charles in Charge,” (circa 1989) My father taught me the basics of the craft and introduced me to sense memory, building characters, and his training gave me the ability to create “reality,” on stage. I felt different after each part I mastered. I gained the skills and confidence of each character as if I was that character. This was my first lesson in the life changing power of drama. 

Drama is older than language,

we are creatures of drama,

and our world is shaped by it continuously. 

I have coached people by using my own brand of Avataristic dramatic ritual for the last 11 years. I have seen Avatarism work. We can treat people as living gods and see them altered in amazing ways. These formally mundane people gain insight into their old and degenerate programming and rewire themselves. Not only do they gain powers, but they use their power for good, to help others up-level. We can uphold each other to the highest version of ourselves that we can imagine. We can allow our fellow humans to be the superheroes they want to be. Stand back, and enjoy the show. 

“What you can creatively think of, you can powerfully become.”-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Meditate on your power character, see yourself as your avatar, mock up a spirit army, and lead them into battle against a formidable foe. Close your eyes and become the warrior god, the priest, shaman, or leader of mankind, and when you open your eyes, you will have had the experience in another dimension, that of mind, but in terms of meta-programming yourself, there is no difference. Your confidence and magnetism is increased, you may cry with joy, or stand more firm in your place. 

Try saying this, or writing your own Avatar Aphorism…..

“I am a living god/superhero/star of my own movie, conscious of my power, able to change myself, heal my physical and emotional wounds, and transmute pain. My will is the way. My love and upholding of others, is my gift. My great work is to consciously create my character in the real world. My mission is to start, move forward, and never stop”


We can recreate ourselves as we wish. We can become ethical when we have been evil. We can control our inner voice of fear with a stronger outer voice of determination. I am filled with excitement and hope that Avatarism may be the game that saves lives, creates living gods, and raises our confidence to the level of superheroes. We have no need for violence! We can change the world through conscious character building, skill collecting, up-leveling on the real world platform, and dramatic ritual. 

“We are perfect, whole, and ready for more.”-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

We have so much to do, time is ticking away, the seconds become minutes and hours. There is little we can do to change others, but we can change ourselves, that is a noble game, a great game! I empower you to seek and employ the ideas of Avatarism as I have presented them in this blog. Create your Avatar, elect your own super gurus from the past, fiction, fantasy, and beyond. Collect skills instead of tricks. Forego manipulation of others in favor of a developed, personal magnetism, based on excellence and mastery.

I will be teaching these concepts to anyone who want’s to learn.

The techniques OF AVATARISM are simple and life changing. Please join me in the game.

Be your character.

Be a player.

Play for what you want.

Be your Avatar.

All together now….say YES!

Alexander Polinsky 

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism Presents: Being Imperfect In Relationships


Avatarism Presents: Being Imperfect In Relationships

I realize I am human. Part of the organic makeup of this universe. I am highly specialized for thought, action, and reaction. I am not “THE god,” just one of the many living manifestations of the godhead in action on this platform. I am capable of intense goodness and great evil. I must be in accord with my prime directive if I want to keep my head and do good in the world. 

I aim to be excellent in my actions and reactions, I measure, I stop, look, and listen to the moment I am about to create and use my super awesomeness instead of my reactionary blowhard. This is how I keep myself free of actions that need apology. And, I am not perfect.

If you are in a relationship and you love with a fierce and dedicated heart as I do, you may know what problems can come up. If there is misunderstanding, imbalance, or infidelity, then mistrust can lead to a special kind of emotional stress. The danger feeling, the “not friend,” feeling, dire and painful feelings come up. Sit with them for a moment and see what you are creating, what is real, and what is false. One of the hardest things about loving, is letting go of judgement. In this brave new world of many choices, we are taught by the media that the newest thing, the latest fad, or the new person might be better than what we have now. But every new technology, fad, or person brings a whole new universe of needs, learning curves, and curve balls. 

I understand that my relationship is so important to me that I feel sometimes I could kill whomever gets in the way. No one is gonna take her from me! This is where my ethics come in and save me from taking revenge on the other man. I have the cognitive ability to assess the weakness in the offending body and destroy him with a counter strike of such tactical perfection that he wouldn’t know what hit him. The destruction of his business, his family life, his character, and his inevitable deportation from the country. WHOA! I am a powerfully dark wizard if I set my mind to it. 


If my lover wants to leave me, cheat, or be with someone else, I have to understand that is her choice, her adventure. I have to confront that it might be the end of our relationship, or the lesson that brings us closer.  As Dan Levitt used to say, I can’t have the person who loves me tell me no. We must allow our lovers and friends their path to their own bliss and up-leveling. I will not give into revenge or retribution unless my life is threatened. I will take myself out for ice cream instead. I will up-level my skill set to increase my own magnetism instead of worrying about what may happen. I refuse to live in uncertainty and pain. 

Be kind to yourself and make friends with your pain. Smooth the frayed edges with actions of kindness, fierce introspection, and a spirit good natured inflexibility when it comes to your happiness.

I am a soldier for the cause of my personal truth. I am the Knight of air, on a flying horse, high above the mundane problems of men. I am a living god, conscious of my power, able to re-program myself, and change my brain. I am. I breathe. I love. I let go.

Do not doubt your power to re-program the parts of your bio-computer that malfunction or do not serve your highest vision of yourself. Take care in the fermentation of your character, build it well, and in the final judgement, we will feel satisfied and ready for the next adventure.


iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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Avatarism Presents: Being A Living God And Supporting Yourself

I am creating myself as a living god/superhero/star of my movie every day. That means the confidence that I mock up, is greater than I feel somedays, I do it anyway. The actions I endeavor to take are beyond the mundane and normal self I may have been yesterday, I take those actions anyway. The words I speak and the ideas I communicate are the best and most life affirming/situation changing, that I can muster even though they may be scary or confronting. 

I may feel like shit now, but I know that this is my game. Avatarism can be a religion/path/process of self cultured meta-programming towards the goal of action/satisfaction. I incite a victorious cycle, even when my shadow self says “give up,” “not worthy,” or “hide.” Meta-programming is a skill that can be learned. Robert Anton Wilson wrote that self programming will become more and more important in this century as access to information increases. If we can know ourselves well, we can track our degenerate programming in real time, and combat systemic black magic with positive and creative memes. It can be done. 

Temple Grandin, the famous autistic designer and lecturer was unable to touch others and hugging gave her intense emotional pain. She used her creativity to develop a way to experience the calming feeling of a hug without the human contact that disturbed her. She built a hugging machine out of wood to “hug,” her. Her creative and physical solution to an emotional problem was the catalyst that brought her more into the world and allowed her to bring her genius and wisdom to the cattle industry in which she later revolutionized, and the lecture circuit which she now excels in. Like Temple Grandin, how can we design a system to hug/comfort/or support us in our up-leveling, and quest for our highest vision for ourselves.

“I inspire myself first and then set my sights on the rest of my tribe and world.”

-iRev. Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself. An open source game/philosophy for conscious character creation

For a Free Avatarism Character Sheet Kit go to: http://www.avatarism.net/#embody

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I am interested in how we all develop our character.

Is it a willy nilly random process?

Have we been fermenting our own individualized culture skillfully? Have we tried to break our patterns only to find that we get attacked by the people that “know,” us.

I am looking into the depth of control that the media, parents, friends/enemies and others, exert on us to keep us “safe,” and not threatening to the herd. 

Where did our past learning lead us? Have we come to a present moment where drama, anxiety, and judgment rule our lives? 

How long can we/are we willing to stay in that hell?

I have seen that there are choices, so many choices that there might be confusion as to which paths/skills/roads to use, and copy for use on this platform.

Have we copied some degenerate, non-ideal, not wholly chosen programs?

I am curious how the web of information lands on each one of us. Do we accept the infostream without due process?

Are we walking/talking robots in a sort of self induced hypnosis?  

Are we affected by everything to such an extent that we need drugs and simple minded/shocking entertainment to distract us from the painful reality that EVERYTHING IS WITHIN OUR GRASP.

Does new data turn on the fear circuits, or activate excitement? Are you neophillic or neophobic? Do you know?

Did we become the person we are now because of some accidental collision of fear evasion and pleasure seeking?



I say fuck the fucking fuckers! Recede from the info cascade of TV/TALK RADIO/POP MAGAZINES/POP PSYCHOLOGY/ AND FAST FOOD CULTURE.


We have only so much time left before the sun explodes. 

We can begin to craft our character as more brilliant, powerful, and free than we ever thought possible.

“YOU can be the SUPERHERO of your childhood fantasy. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. " - Alexander Polinsky

Avatarism may be the game that finally PLAYS us out of the fallacy that "people cannot change." 


Any self limiting, negative concept, phrase, or mantra that pops into your head can be labeled SYSTEMIC BLACK MAGIC. These programs should be immediately refuted, reprogrammed, and made impotent with the power of AVATARISTIC META-PROGRAMMING.


(or any contrary action you can devise to squash the demons)

Decide continually who you want to be, what skills to collect, and let us help you implement them by the process of SHARING AND UPHOLDING. 

You tell me who you want to be, who you really are beneath all the former degenerate programming, and when you need it most, I will remind you. 

No more returning to the baseline of survival or mere stasis, but continually returning to the ideal that you have designed for yourself, and wish for yourself in your best and most powerful moments.

No need to start over from scratch, lifting yourself up from the scum on the street. We can begin from self love, brilliant skill, and a strong sense of purpose upheld by the other Avatars we uphold in turn.

Its a Victorious cycle, not a vicious one. Finally!!!!

Love and discovery,

Alexander Polinsky
